Russian Soldiers in Ukraine

Lord, confuse the wicked, confound their words, for I see violence and strife in the city.

Psalm 55:9 NIV

Commander of the Armies of Heaven, please confuse those who are bent on evil. Mix up their plans so none can be completed, or even started. Block every evil attack, and rescue those in need. Urge Russian soldiers to desert their posts, to defect, to turn around and stand up against the evil being done not only to Ukraine but to their own country. As they watch Ukrainian children die, bring to their ears reports of how their president’s evil actions are throwing Russia itself into devastation. Give them boldness to take a stand, to say no to tyranny, violence and destruction. Open officers’ minds to see clearly the insanity of this invasion, to hate what their president is doing, and to take a stand and make plans against those evil plans. As they see the bravery of Ukrainian civilians and soldiers, break their hearts for the atrocities waged against them. Turn the eyes of every soldier and officer to You, O God. May they lay down their weapons in defiance of the evil they have been forced to take part in, repent, turn to You, and fight now for the things that matter most. Awaken the Russian army to You, O God. Make the holes in their hearts that hunger for something more than what they’ve been living for rise up and scream at them to turn to You before it’s too late. We press in all the farther now to pray specifically by name for these to turn to You: Artyom, Aleksandr, Roman, Yevgeny, Ivan, Maksim, Denis, Alexey, Dmitry, Danyl, Sergey, Nikolai, Konstantin, Nikita, Mikhail, Boris, Victor, Gennady, Vyacheslav, Vladimir, Andrey, Anatoly, Ilya, Kirill and Oleg

Bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure— you, the righteous God who probes minds and hearts.

Psalm 7:9 NIV
Join with other believers all across the world to pray for our nations and the whole world at the #PrayerWall, Let’s push back the darkness together as one, and pray forth God’s purposes in these trying times. ““For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:1 rsv

For a free guide to knowing God’s voice, Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior, and other powerful resources for overcoming the enemy in these trying times, visit

Published by Mikaela Vincent, Author, More Than A Conqueror Books,

Mikaela Vincent is a wife, mother, and missionary with a passion to see the lost saved and God's people walk in oneness with Him and each other. She and her husband have been serving the Lord in a dark area of the world where few have heard Jesus' name and Christians are persecuted. In her quiet times with God, He has written together with her deep Bible studies and other books for all ages on listening to God and removing the barriers to oneness with Christ and others. She hosts spiritual mentoring groups online, and has led retreats internationally. Through her books, both children and adults are finding freedom from anxiety, panic, and other strongholds. Her novels, prayer journals, devotionals, day planners, children's books and more are available at

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